

你想購買BB King - 蒙特勒現場演唱會 BD嗎?

BB King - 蒙特勒現場演唱會 BD

BB King - 蒙特勒現場演唱會 BD

藍調迷們的必備品 這張藍光片記錄的是1993年的現場實況,可稱作是最佳代表作

B.B. King 無庸置疑地是當今最偉大的藍調樂手,也是最具影響力的吉他手。受邀至蒙特勒音樂節演出將近20次,這張藍光片記錄的是1993年的現場實況,可稱作是最佳代表作,當然更是藍調迷們的必備品。

B.B. King is the greatest living exponent of the blues and considered by many to be the most influential guitarist of the latter part of the 20th century. His career dates back to the late forties and despite now being in his eighties he remains a vibrant and charismatic live performer. B.B. King has been a frequent visitor to the Montreux festival, appearing nearly 20 times, so choosing one performance was no easy task. This 1993 concert will surely rank as one of his finest at any venue. With a superb backing band and a great set list it’s a must for any blues fan.

1. Six Pack
2. Two I Shoot Blues
3. B.B. Blues
4. Let The Good Times Roll
5. When It All Comes Down
6. Chains Of Love
7. Caldonia
8. All Over Again
9. Since I Met You Baby
10. Playing With My Friends
11. Ain’t Nobody Home
12. Why I Sing The Blues
13. Understand
14. Rock Me Baby
15. Please Accept My Love
16. The Thrill Is Gone

2006 Montreux
01. Why I Sing The Blues
02. When Love Comes To Town
03. Guess Who

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